3. The Greatest Number That Can Divide The Two Numbers In A Set Is A. Gcf B. Lcm C. Multiples D. Factor 4. The Smallest Number That Can Be Divided By Two N

3. The greatest number that can divide the two numbers in a set is A. GCF B. LCM C. Multiples D. Factor 4. The smallest number that can be divided by two numbers in a set is A. Multiple B. Factors C. LCM D. GCF 5. Which of these number is a prime number A. 41 B. 51 C.21 D. 1 6. Write 16 as a product of its prime factors. A. 2x2x2 B. 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 C. 2 x 2 x 3 D. 2 x 2 x 3x3 7. The first 3 multiples of 8 is A. 8, 10, 12 B. 8. 12. 16 C. 8, 16, 24 D. 8. 16. 28 8. Which is the greatest common factor of 36 and 18 A9 B. 20 C. 10 D. 30 9. Pencils are packed in boxes of 8 and 12. What is the smallest number of pencils that can be packed using the boxes A. 20 B. 24 C. 28 D. 32 10. Alex has 9 cookies and Sonny has 12 cookies. If they will give some cookies with their group mates. What is the greatest number of cookies that each of their group mates gets if each of them gives the same number of cookies? A. 5 B. 4 c.3 D.2 11. Which of the following is an improper fraction A. C. 15 D. 20 10 12. If you change to a mixed number what will it be? A. 2 - B.13 C. 10 D.1 7 13. Harvey both 2 yards of ribbon for his project in MAPEH. Change the mixed number into improper fract

ion. B. D. 10 14 12 A. c. 5

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3. A. GCF

4. C. LCM

5. B. 51

6. B. 2 x 2 x 2 x 2

7. C. 8, 16, 24

8. A. 9

9. A. 20

10. C. 3

11. B. 4/5

12. B. 1 3/7

13. A. 12/5
